NEON is a business intelligence and business analytics platform dedicated to solve problems and make data driven informed decisions for FMCG companies.
Built as a web platform with complex data pipelines driving data from primary and often unstructured sources into one central repository, highly consolidated.
Sources used include but are not limited to:
- retail sales performance
- media investments
- sales promo activities
- list prices
- sell in
- distribution network
- brand track
- imports and customs data
Features availabe for users and benefits delivered:
- Holistic data analysis modul for seamless data access from all sources, in right formats. Delivered through comprehensive multisource data previews with advanced data visualizations.
- Price elasticity estimations
- Alarms for market anomalies
- Forecast analysis
- Market segmentations
- Detecting favorable market condition scenarios
On premise deployment of the platform is accompanied with monitoring system which helps us ensuring performance and availability guarantiees. With this scalable platform and strong monitoring and predictions of the infrastructure states we can ensure high quality standards, so that clients can focus on their business needs.