We are always striving to understand the phenomena more deeply and accurately and to figure out the missing pieces of the puzzle. In order to achieve that, we are providing services of research, combining traditional research approaches with innovative methodologies. Our goal is to provide our clients with valuable insights that will enable them better business decisions making. Services we are providing are:
- QUALITATIVE RESEARCH (focus groups, in-depth interviews, and ethnographic studies) working on smaller samples, with the aim of a deeper understanding of behavioral patterns and motivations of our customers and target groups.
- QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH (F2F, CATI, CAWI, CLT studies) enabling greater precision, quantification, and the possibility of generalizing the obtained findings.
- DESK RESEARCH gathering and analyzing data from already existing resources.
- STRATEGIC AND INNOVATION WORKSHOPS (the process of setting new business strategies and creating innovations through different projective materials and gamification).
Research services can be provided independently and as an addition to business analytics projects, in case of a large number of moderating but influential factors. The integration of the results of these methods with ML often comes through facilitated data labeling (semi-supervised ML, A / B tests …), missing data imputation, and anomaly detection.